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July 21, 2024

What are the rules of Petanque and Boules?

Learn how to play Petanque and Boules

At Villa Robini you have your own private petanque / boules / boccia court and a sets of vintage wooden balls and the classic metal boules to play with.

Petanque is a game of skill, precision, and strategy, enjoyed socially and competitively worldwide.

Petanque and boules are closely related but distinct games within the broader category of boule sports, which involve throwing or rolling heavy balls as close as possible to a target. Here's a breakdown of their differences:

Petanque is a French bowling game typically played on a hard dirt or gravel surface. It involves two teams, each comprising one to three players. The game begins with a player drawing a circle on the ground, from which all players must throw. The first player throws a small wooden ball, called the "jack" or "cochonnet," between 6 and 10 meters away.

Here are the simple rules for playing petanque:

  1. Teams: The game can be played as singles (one player per team), doubles (two players per team), or triples (three players per team).
  2. Boules and Jack: Each player uses metal balls called boules. A small wooden ball, called the jack or cochonnet, is the target.
  3. Starting the Game: One player draws a circle on the ground, usually 35-50 cm in diameter. All players must throw from inside this circle with their feet together, and the boules must be thrown underhand.
  4. Throwing the Jack: A player throws the jack 6 to 10 meters away from the circle to start the game.
  5. Throwing Boules: Players take turns throwing their boules, aiming to get as close to the jack as possible. The player or team that is farthest from the jack throws next.
  6. Scoring: After all boules are thrown, the team with the closest boule to the jack scores one point for each boule closer to the jack than the opposing team’s closest boule.
  7. Winning the Game:  A round concludes when all boules have been thrown. The team with the closest boule to the jack scores points, earning one point for each boule closer to the jack than the opposing team's nearest boule. The game continues until one team reaches 13 points, winning the match.
  8. Strategies: Players can use their boules to knock the opponent’s boules away from the jack or to move the jack itself to a more advantageous position.

These simple rules provide a basic framework for playing petanque.

So, what is the difference between petanque and boules?

Petanque and boules are closely related but distinct games within the broader category of boule sports, which involve throwing or rolling heavy balls as close as possible to a target. Here's a breakdown of their differences:

  1. Origin: Petanque originated in Provence, France, in the early 20th century.
  2. Playing Surface: Typically played on hard dirt or gravel.
  3. Throwing Style: Players throw their boules from a stationary position with both feet together within a drawn circle.
  4. Distance to Target: The small target ball (the jack or cochonnet) is thrown between 6 and 10 meters away.
  5. Game Objective: The goal is to have your boules closer to the jack than your opponent's boules.
  6. Game Play: Players or teams take turns throwing boules.
  7. Scoring: One point is scored for each boule closer to the jack than the opponent’s nearest boule. The game is usually played to 13 points.
  1. General Term: Boules is a general term that refers to a variety of ball games, including petanque, boules lyonnaises, and bocce.
  2. Variations: Includes different styles and rules, such as boules lyonnaises (played on a longer field with a run-up before throwing) and bocce (an Italian variant played on a smooth, narrow court).
  3. Playing Surfaces: Can vary widely, from dirt and gravel to grass or indoor courts.
  4. Throwing Style: Varies between games. For example, boules lyonnaises allows for a run-up, while bocce involves underhand rolling.
  5. Distance to Target: Varies depending on the specific game within the boules category.
  6. Game Objective: Generally involves getting as close as possible to a target ball, but the specifics can vary by game.
  7. Game Play and Scoring: The rules for taking turns, scoring, and winning can differ significantly between the various boules games.

In summary, petanque is a specific type of boules game with unique rules and playing style, while boules is a broader term encompassing various games with different rules and styles of play.

A fun fact about petanque is that the game got its name from the Provençal phrase "pèd tanco," which means "feet together." This phrase refers to the unique rule in petanque where players must throw their boules while standing with their feet together inside a drawn circle. This stance distinguishes petanque from other boule sports and adds a unique challenge to the game!

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